5 East First St., London, OH 43140
O: (740) 852-0809
F: (740) 852-0814
Email: madisonnews@sbcglobal.net
Monday -Tuesday : 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Friday : Closed / Appointment only
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Published every Sunday.
Published by The Columbus Messenger Co.
Philip F. Daubel ............................ Publisher
Denise Hill ........................Advertising/Office Manager
Kristy Zurbrick ............................. Madison Editor
Becky Barker ................................. Classified Manager
Letters to the Editor* ....... Please send all Letters to the Editor to the attention of Kristy Zurbrick at:
mail to: 5 East First St., London, OH 43140
Subscription Rate : $130 per year for readers who live outside the free circulation area.**
* The Columbus Messenger Co. reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement or editorial copy at any time. The company is not responsible for checking accuracy of items submitted for publication. Errors in advertising copy must be called to the attention of the company after first insertion and prior to a second insertion of the same advertising copy.
**outside the free circulation area includes areas also not included in delivery such as businesses locations. Please call 740.852.0809 to inquire about subscriptions.